Softwares & Libraries
- Tauri: Build an optimized, secure, and frontend-independent application for multi-platform deployment. (rust)
- sectorc: A C Compiler that fits in the 512 byte boot sector of an x86 machine
- Electron: Framework to build desktop application with HTML/CSS/JS (see Tauri for alternative)
- OpenFaas: a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes
- Mopidy: extensible music server (Spotify, local, SoundCloud) frontend
- Kodi also named XBMC: is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub for digital media. See also libreelec
- OpenBCI: Open Brain Controller repository
- DroneDB: Effortless aerial data (e.g. from drone) management and sharing.
- Surveillance Video motionEye, ZoneMinder
- Julius: speech-to-text ((+) no internet requirement) and efficient
- Qiskit: open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, algorithms, and application modules
- consul: distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
- gitleaks: Protect and discover secrets using Gitleaks
- PicoCluster: full case to build homemade cluster with ARM boards
- Soli - Virtual gesture to connect with your application
- Nova: Cellular IoT for single board computing, made simple. Open source & Open hardware.
- Fuze Card: awesome smart card containing multiple application (credit, debit, id, membership, gift)
- Phonebloks
- MiRage Mech keyboard
- FOSSA: IoT with open source satellites
- Flipper Zero: Flipper Zero a portable multi-tool pentester (NFC, RFID, sub-1 GHz, infrared, GPIO) documentation / hacking examples
Interesting projects
- New brain-computer interface application developed that allows music to be composed by the power of thought, see also other videos based on BCI. For example they playing World Of Warcraft with their brain.
- MassSpec Pen: Pen for rapid and non-destructive diagnosis of human cancer tissues company
- LitMotors: self balanced electric motocycle, also resist to collisions
- Biolite - smokeless firepit
- Water-based artificial skin watch video
- Human Cell Atlas: map of human cells
- Urnabios
- ARMACHAT: Doomsday wireless QWERTY communicator author
- Sarcopod: euthanasia device
Key People
- Brendan Gregg: linux kernel optimization, measure performance in linux eBPF
- Deus Ex Silicium - lead by Stéphane Marty: reverse engigneer different devices
- [Winfried Hensinger]: Ordinateur Quantique
- [Etienne Klein]: Physique Quantique
- Christoh Muller: CO2 impacts
- Peter Lodahl: Professor of Physics (Quantique)
- Simon Puech
- What if you could have 6 finger for each hand ? video
- Voice Recognition With Elechouse V3 And Arduino
- Please stop calling databases CP or AP article - We're more talking about Consistency vs Availability
- What do linux developers say in commit messages?
- What's new in CPUs since the 80s and how does it affect programmers?
- Raft: consensus algorithm that is designed to be easy to understand
- Quartz Coin Can Hold 360 TB Of Data For Billions Of Years just saw a documentary on that, this kind of storage is really good to keep on long term, it resist to really high and low temperature. I guess the difficulty is in encoding and decoding, because there are 5 dimensions to store data. So you need specific sensors to read and write in all these dimensions.
- How can the Halting Problem be explained to a layman? - video
- Are there any wireless mesh networks that do VLAN tagging per SSID
- What part of Hindley-Milner do you not understand?
- Paquets AppImage, Snap et Flatpak : quels avantages, inconvénients et différences ?
- Le rapport du GIEC en 18 graphiques
- Risque de sécheresse pluriannuelle en France et urgence climatique
- How long until my eMMC is dead?
- Explaining CPU
- What I wish I knew when I got my ASN
- Le Temps De Cerveau Disponible
- La révélation des Pyramides
- Solutions locales pour un désordre global
- Billions in Change
- La physique du sac de billes
- La mafia scientifique dont vous n'avez jamais entendu parler
- Etienne Klein : Cours n°1 - La naissance de la physique quantique
- [La face cachée des énergies vertes]
- The Singularity Is Near
- Abus d'antibiotiques : une catastrophe annoncée
- [Les cobayes du cosmos, confidences d'astronautes]
- Cours Physique Quantique - Etienne Klein
- Cours Cosmologie - Aurelien Barreau
- L'importance de la nuance
- L'ultracrépidarianisme
- Transistors Explained
- Une planete parfaite - David Attenborough: Du soleil aux volcans
- Le PIRE CONSEIL pour protéger le DOS - kine Grégoire, alias Major Mouvement
- Aurelien Barrau à CentraleSupelec : a-t-on encore besoin d’ingénieurs ?
- Alexander Grothendieck: Allons-nous continuer la recherche scientifique?
- Simon Puech - Bunker survie
- Simon Puech - Bielorussie war human usage
- Simon Puech - Chine Taiwan USA conducteur (ASML)
Board Games
- Galerapagos
- Taboo
- Exploding Kittens
- Ricochet Robots
- Han ouais - Han ouais - Remix
- Faites vous vacciner
- LGBT Barking like dog
- Haaa - Ce mot vaccination ça va avec innovation, Haaa, Macron explosion
- Wiggle - Remix
- Gipsy Rapper - Baby ah ah my crazy
- Comparison of Desktop Linux UI - article
- free icons